2016年11月7日 星期一

破曉 Morning has broken

這是Cat StevensTeaser and the Firecat專輯中的一首歌,於1971年發行。這首歌詞清新,曲調優美,在黑暗離去的清晨聆聽,令人精神百倍。被5次提名諾貝爾文學獎的文學家林語堂在其著作「我的信仰之旅」提到:「把蠟燭吹熄,太陽升起來了。這是當人類看見一個無可比擬的大光時的自然意義。」有著異曲同工之妙。(eaton)

破曉Morning has broken(手機可)

Cat Stevens : 破曉Morning has broken(手機不可):


Morning has broken  

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's re-creation of the new day
