美國最好的歲月已經過去了嗎? / eaton
1. 技術的進步將以平緩速度進行,就像過去40年或是1920年以前那個階段。
2. 隨著嬰兒潮一代退休,女性生育進入停滯期,勞動力將持續減少。
3. 收入日益集中意味著,不管增長率有多高,大多數人無法分享增長的果實。
America’s Best Days May Be Behind It
Economic Scene By EDUARDO PORTER January 26, 2016
閱讀EDUARDO PORTER2016年1月26日
Take a look back at some of the most popular TV programs of the mid-1960s — “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” “Bewitched,” even “The Beverly Hillbillies” — and what do you see?
回望20世紀60年代中期那些最受歡迎的電視節目,諸如“迪克•范•戴克秀”(The Dick Van Dyke Show)、《家有仙妻》(Bewitched),甚至《貝芙麗山人》(The Beverly Hillbillies)之類的,你會發現什麼?
Like today, middle-class Americans typically had washing machines and air-conditioning, telephones and cars. The Internet and video games were not yet invented. But life, over all, did not look that different.
There were TVs and radios in most homes. Millions of people worked in downtown offices and lived in suburbs, connected by multilane highways. Americans’ average life expectancy at birth was 70, only eight years less than it is today.
But flash back 50 years earlier. Then, less than half the population lived in cities. Though Ford Model T’s were starting to roll off the assembly line, Americans typically moved around on horse-drawn buggies on dirt or cobblestone roads. Refrigerators or TVs? Most homes weren’t even wired for electricity. And average life expectancy was only 53.
但把時間再向前撥回50年。當時居住在城市的人口還不到一半。儘管福特T型車(Ford Model T)已經出現在流水線上,大多數美國人還是依靠輕便馬車出行,在土路或鵝卵石道路上往來。冰箱和電視?大多數家庭甚至還沒通電呢。人們的平均壽命是53歲。
Americans like to think they live in an era of rapid and unprecedented change, but this kind of comparison — pitting the momentous changes of the mid-20th century against the seemingly more modest progress of our present era — raises a critical question about the nation’s future prosperity.
What does this portend for our well-being over the next half century? Has technological progress slowed for good?
The idea that America’s best days are behind us sits in sharp tension with the high-tech optimism radiating from the offices of the technology start-ups and venture capital firms of Silicon Valley. But it lies at the heart of the current political unrest. And it is about to elbow its way forcefully into the national conversation.
Robert J. Gordon, a professor of economics at Northwestern University who has patiently developed the proposition in a series of research papers over the last few years, has bundled his arguments into an ambitious new book, “The Rise and Fall of American Growth” (Princeton University Press).
過去幾年間,西北大學的經濟學教授羅伯特•J•戈登(Robert J. Gordon)耐心地把這個命題整理為一系列研究論文,把自己的觀點整理為一本雄心勃勃的新書:《美國增長之起落》(The Rise and Fall of American Growth, Princeton University Press)。
The hefty tome, minutely detailed yet dauntingly broad in scope, offers a lively portrayal of the evolution of American living standards since the Civil War. It also adds up to a dispiriting forecast for American prosperity in the decades to come. “This book,” he writes in the introduction, “ends by doubting that the standard of living of today’s youths will double that of their parents, unlike the standard of living of each previous generation of Americans back to the late 19th century.”
Innovation will trundle along at the same pace of the last 40 years, Professor Gordon predicts. Despite the burst of progress of the Internet era, total factor productivity — which captures innovation’s contribution to growth — rose over that period at about one-third the pace of the previous five decades.
That’s hardly the worst part of the story. The labor force will continue to decline, as aging baby boomers leave the work force and women’s labor supply plateaus. And gains in education, an important driver of productivity that expanded sharply in the 20th century, will contribute little.
Moreover, the growing concentration of income means that whatever the growth rate, most of the population will barely share in its fruits. Altogether, Professor Gordon argues, the disposable income of the bottom 99 percent of the population, which has expanded about 2 percent per year since the late 19th century, will expand over the next few decades at a rate little above zero.
Professor Gordon’s take on the future is, of course, not infallible. Economists generally agree that future growth will be slowed by the headwinds of demography, education and income distribution. But the productivity slowdown of recent decades was clearly affected by one-time factors, including a shattering financial crisis. He is on less solid ground forecasting weakness decades into the future.
Economists, in fact, have no trustworthy theory of what produces technological breakthroughs. Joel Mokyr, an economic historian who also teaches at Northwestern, argues there are reasons to expect enormous breakthroughs are in the offing.
事實上,經濟學家並沒有可靠的理論去預測什麼因素能導致科技突破。同在西北大學任教的經濟史學家喬伊•莫吉爾(Joel Mokyr)認為,有理由期待未來大量突破的到來。
Science has piggybacked on technology ever since Galileo used a telescope to develop a new understanding of the heavens. This new science, in turn, led to new technological innovations.
What Professor Gordon fails to account for, Professor Mokyr argues, is that the information technology revolution and other recent developments produced mind-blowing tools and techniques, from gene-sequencing machines to computers that analyze mountains of data at blistering speed. This is creating vast new opportunities for innovation, from health care to materials technology and beyond.
“The tools available to science have been improving at a dazzling rate,” he told me. “I’m not sure how, but the world of technology in 30 to 40 years’ time will be vastly different than it is today.”
Nonetheless, Professor Gordon’s argument is not easy to dismiss. He does not forecast that technological progress will slow to a crawl. His argument, rather, is that the explosion of innovation and prosperity from 1920 through 1970 was a one-time phenomenon. From now on, progress will continue at the more gradual pace of both the last 40 years and the period before 1920.
“There is plenty of room in my forecast for evolutionary change,” he told me. “What is lacking is sharp, discrete change.”
He is not the only economist forecasting slower progress, now that the burst of productivity gains of the late 1990s and early 2000s has waned. “Growth in educational attainment, developed-economy R&D intensity and population are all likely to be slower in the future than in the past,” John G. Fernald of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Charles I. Jones of Stanford wrote in a recent article.
戈登教授並不是唯一一個預測科技進步將會放緩的人,如今20世紀90年代末到21世紀初的生產率增長大爆發已經消退。“教育的增長、發達經濟的研發強度與人口都很可能在未來放緩,”三藩市聯邦儲備銀行的約翰•G•費納爾多(John G. Fernald)與斯坦福的查理斯•I•鐘斯(Charles I. Jones)在近期一篇文章中寫道。
Professor Gordon’s view of slowing technological opportunities meshes with other bits of evidence.
Ben S. Bernanke, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve who is now at the Brookings Institution, points out that long-term interest rates have been declining for a very long time. This is in response partly to the accumulation of savings in China and other developing economies, which have been buying Treasury bonds hand over fist. But it also suggests that investors, whether they realize it or not, may agree with Professor Gordon’s proposition.
美聯儲前主席本•S•伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)如今在布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)工作,他指出長期利率已經歷了長時間的下降。這部分是由於中國以及其他發展中經濟體內儲蓄的積累,它們一直大量購買美國長期國債。但這也表明,投資者不管自己意識到與否,可能都贊同戈登的觀點。
“People who invest money in the markets are saying the rate of return on capital investments is lower than it was 15 or 30 years ago,” Mr. Bernanke said. “Gordon’s forecast is not without some market reality.”
Other strands of data point in this direction. Business dynamism, measured by the role of new companies in the economy, appears to be waning. The share of employment in companies less than five years old dropped from about 19 percent in 1982 to 11 percent in 2011.
Skepticism is warranted, to be sure. Since the time of Thomas Malthus, eras of depressed expectations like our own have inspired predictions of doom and gloom that were proved wrong once economies turned up a few years down the road.
當然,懷疑主義是必要的。自從湯瑪斯•馬爾薩斯(Thomas Malthus)以來,一旦經濟幾年內走下坡路,就會出現像我們這樣悲觀並導致末日論調的預期,還曾一再被證明是錯誤的。
“For reasons I have never understood, people like to hear that the world is going to hell,” the economic historian Deirdre N. McCloskey of the University of Illinois, Chicago, wrote in an essay about “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” the blockbuster about income inequality by the French economist Thomas Piketty. “Yet pessimism has consistently been a poor guide to the modern economic world.”
芝加哥伊利諾斯大學經濟史學家戴爾德爾•N•麥克克羅斯基(Deirdre N. McCloskey)為法國經濟學家湯瑪斯•皮克迪(Thomas Piketty)的轟動大作《21世紀資本論》(Capital in the Twenty-First Century)撰寫的評論中寫道,“由於種種我永遠無法理解的原因,人們總是喜歡聽到‘世界要完’的論調。然而悲觀主義總是一個現代經濟世界不可靠的指南。”
Optimism, though, is also subject to cognitive biases. It’s not just that the income of our optimistic techno-entrepreneurs is growing faster than gross domestic product. A lot of new innovation — the rockets to vacations in orbit, the Apple Watch and Google Glass — also seems custom-designed for them.
“If you are sitting in Silicon Valley, rich and at the frontier of technology,” said Lawrence F. Katz of Harvard, “it is probably true that things are getting better.”
“如果你身在矽谷,有錢,處於科技的最前沿,”哈佛大學的勞倫斯•F•卡茨(Lawrence F. Katz)說,“一切對你來說可能真的是越來越好。”
The same can’t always be said for the rest of us.