2018年3月17日 星期六

The Rose》歌聲淚痕

《The Rose》是一首傳唱幾十載的經典老歌,由Amanda McBroom創作於1978年,同名電影作為片尾曲。影片推出後,讓Bette Midler奪得該年度「最佳流行樂女歌手」的格萊美獎,另外,由於演技精湛,她不僅被提名角逐奧斯卡,更奪得「最佳女演員」和「年度最佳新人」等兩座金球獎。她的歌詞富含哲理,就像最後一段:只要記著,在寒冬中,在那層層冰雪之下,埋藏著那顆,伴隨著太陽的和暖,當春天降臨,它將化成玫瑰。   

Bette Midler:Amanda McBroom《The Rose》 
André Rieu:The Rose: 
《The Rose》歌詞與中譯: 

《The Rose》歌詞: Some say love, it is a river. That drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor. That leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger. An endless, aching need. I say love, it is a flower. And you, its only seed. It's the heart, afraid of breaking. That never learns to dance. It's the dream, afraid of waking. That never takes the chance. It's the one who won't be taken.Who cannot seem to give.And the soul, afraid of dyin'.That never learns to live.When the night has been too lonely. And the road has been too long. And you think that love is only. For the lucky and the strong. Just remember in the winter. Far beneath the bitter snow. Lies the seed that with the sun's love. In the spring becomes the rose.

