歌劇《採珠者》第一幕由男高音演唱浪漫曲《妳的歌聲依然在我耳邊迴繞》(Je Crois Entendre Encore),直翻是「我相信再次聽到」。後來這首詠嘆調有了義大利歌名 Mi par ďudir ancor,但歌劇仍慣用原名命名。
歌劇《採珠者》第一幕由男高音演唱浪漫曲《妳的歌聲依然在我耳邊迴繞》(Je Crois Entendre Encore),直翻是「我相信再次聽到」。後來這首詠嘆調有了義大利歌名 Mi par ďudir ancor,但歌劇仍慣用原名命名。
電影「縱情四海 The Man Who Cried」選用為主題曲,柔美但帶著濃濃悲淒,聞之盪氣迴腸,歌者為帕瓦洛第之後義大利最佳男高音李契特拉(Salvatore Licitra)。男高音多明哥也有版本,歌聲帶著希望之美,擁有黃金光彩的華貴感。(eaton參自伊納爵&文慧生)
** ENGLISH Lyrics: **
I still believe I hear
hidden beneath the palm trees
her voice, tender and deep
like the song of a dove
oh enchanting night
divine rapture
delightful memory
mad intoxication, sweet dream.
In the clear starlight
I still believe I see her
half drawing her long veil
to the warm night breeze.
Oh enchanting night
divine rapture
delightful memory
mad intoxication, sweet dream.
Charming memory.
I still believe I hear
hidden beneath the palm trees
her voice, tender and deep
like the song of a dove
oh enchanting night
divine rapture
delightful memory
mad intoxication, sweet dream.
In the clear starlight
I still believe I see her
half drawing her long veil
to the warm night breeze.
Oh enchanting night
divine rapture
delightful memory
mad intoxication, sweet dream.
Charming memory.
Salvatore Licitra: Je Crois Entendre Encore
多明哥Placido Domingo:The Pearl Fishers
純配樂Georges Bizet:The Pearl Fishers